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Finally! Recognizing Michael Knight

Nice to see an online presence from my favorite Project Runway Season Three designer: Michael Knight, now on Myspace.

He's emerged as a favorite of fans (and thankfully the judges) once he finally got some face time around episode, what, four? Why did that take so long? Long stretches of episode after episode had him completely absent. Maybe we will find out in the end and maybe it's a producers and editors secret.

Anyways, he had me at the coffee filter dress. If innovation means anything, that was a highlight of the season.

I loved Project Runway from the very first episode because of it's emphasis on displaying the creative process. Many times it was inspiring to anyone who works in creative or artsy endeavors. I also liked, and still enjoy, the friendships built among designers.

But I felt like this season had in some ways devolved back toward stale reality show devices like controversy and conflict. That made Michael Knight stand out even more as he stayed out of the stuff while consistently producing good products in each and every episode.

The September Atlanta Magazine has a feature on Mr. Michael. You can read it here at the all-inclusive all-knowing Blogging Project Runway.


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